DEC 21, 2021
When asking your clients about Labor Law Poster Service you may encounter the objection, “Oh, I can get those free from the government.” That may be true but the adage that “you get what you pay for” certainly applies here.
The truth is that one would have to contact multiple agencies to get all the individual posters - if you even know which agencies to contact. If you’re successful and get all the required postings, your bulletin board is going to look something like this:
Then there is the added task of keeping up with all the changes and getting those posters when they are released. The government is not going to notify you when you need to replace one of these postings with an updated version. They will, however, be happy to fine you if your postings are not up to date.
Our ComplyRight Poster Service provides every posting you need with our Federal and State Combo Kit. You get the Federal Poster, the State Poster, and the additional supplemental posters that the state may require all in one shipment. If a law changes that requires a new poster, we ship a new replacement poster directly to you free of charge.
You can learn more about our Poster Service here.
ComplyRight One Year State and Federal Poster Service is the most cost-effective and reliable way to ensure around-the-clock posting compliance for your business. Take advantage of this all-inclusive, worry-free posting compliance solution. Contact your local Payroll Vault office to learn more or enroll today.